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Su-47 'Berkut' - 23

Experimental fighter aircraft developed by the Russians

The Su-47 Berkut, known by its NATO reporting name Firkin, was a well-known aircraft due to its unique forward-swept wings, which gave it an advantage in combat situations. The technology used in the Su-47 would later be integrated into the Russian fifth-generation fighter, the Su-57, also known as the Felon.


In the radio-controlled model aircraft world, the Su-47 also utilizes forward-swept wings, which help to delay the onset of tip stall, providing better roll control during stalls. This makes close to stall high alpha manoeuvring much easier, while still providing the benefits of a conventional sweep design. However, the aircraft has a reduced crosswind ability, as the roll stability decreases greatly in crosswind conditions, and the aircraft may depart into a flat spin if given inconsistent inputs. The aircraft has a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.8, which is appropriate for its wing shape and fuselage.

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